Hi again!

I'm having some trouble using the boost lib, freshly cloned from the repo. 
I compiled the release version but when I configure my project to use the new includes and libs, the compiler throws several errors, most of them are

boost/boost/asio/impl/spawn.hpp:263:77: error: no matching function for call to ‘boost::coroutines::coroutine<void()>::coroutine(boost::coroutines::attributes&)’

When I use the system build (installed from Arch Linux repos), everything compiles smoothly without any problems. Does anyone knows what might be the problem?

On 25 January 2014 01:24, Nat Goodspeed <nat@lindenlab.com> wrote:
On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 6:51 PM, Carlos Ferreira <carlosmf.pt@gmail.com> wrote:

> So now my problem is, how do I build this lib? How can I compile it and link it to the boost libs already installed in my computer? The readme.md file says to look at the docs in https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/TryModBoost but that left me kinda lost...

Okay, if the new hotness leaves you cold, it's still possible to drop
the Fiber library into an exploded Boost 1.55 tarball tree like this:

1. Drop the Fiber library into a Boost tree as libs/fiber. That is,
under libs/fiber you should find build, examples, include, src, ...
2. Symlink boost/fiber -> ../libs/fiber/include/boost/fiber . If you
must, you can physically move libs/fiber/include/boost/fiber to
boost/fiber; but even Windows supports symlinks these days.
3. At this point, a normal ./b2 libs/fiber should suffice to build the
Fiber library and everything on which it depends.
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Carlos Miguel Ferreira
Researcher at Telecommunications Institute
Aveiro - Portugal
Work E-mail - cmf@av.it.pt
Skype & GTalk -> carlosmf.pt@gmail.com
LinkedIn -> http://www.linkedin.com/in/carlosmferreira