

I must apologise for the stupidity of this question – if I’d have surrounded the call with a try/catch block I’d have figured it out sooner, so it’s my own bad coding.


Now all I need to figure out is how to programmatically create a directory with admin rights to get around the permission denied exception when trying to create files/directories within /library/application support/ on the Mac.


Best wishes.

Tim Burgess


From: Boost-users [mailto:boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org] On Behalf Of Tim Burgess
Sent: 07 February 2014 16:32
To: boost-users list
Subject: [Boost-users] FileSystem: crash on OSX 10.8 with create_directory




My app crashes out when I run the following:


                                boost::filesystem::path myPath = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetConfigDir().ToStdWstring();


                                if (myPath.has_filename())





// Add the company name and check for directory existence

                myPath /=wstrRBCompanyName;


                if (!boost::filesystem::exists(myPath))


// The following test displays  the path I'd expect to see (/library/Raised Bar in my case)

                                wxMessageBox( myPath.native(), wstrErrorTitle, wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION);

                                // Create the required directory - displays a message box indicating deletion of a lock file here and the app exits



This code appears to work fine on Windows, but fails on OSX 10.8. I should point out that I'm a blind programmer and I'm struggling to get Apple's VoiceOver utility to interact in a useful manner with Xcode 5's debugger and that's why I'm using a wxMessageBox to try and track down my failure.


Best wishes.

