Hi, I have two graphs and I want to know if they are isomorphic. 
I adjunct the graphs in .png. I read the documentation but i can't figure out how i must define the vertex invariant correctly. what I want is to consider that two graph are not isomorphic taking count of the vertices ids (the unsigned int value that they have).
In the example i give I want the function isomorphism to return false.
actually it return true.

Thank you !

Graph graph1;
Graph::vertex_descriptor aA = add_vertex(graph1);
Graph::vertex_descriptor bA = add_vertex(graph1);
Graph::vertex_descriptor cA = add_vertex(graph1);
Graph::edge_descriptor edA1 = (add_edge(aA, bA, graph1)).first;
Graph::edge_descriptor edA2 = (add_edge(bA, cA, graph1)).first;

graph1[edA1].weight = 1;
graph1[edA2].weight = 2;

Graph graph2;
Graph::vertex_descriptor aB = add_vertex(graph2);
Graph::vertex_descriptor bB = add_vertex(graph2);
Graph::vertex_descriptor cB = add_vertex(graph2);
Graph::edge_descriptor edB1 = (add_edge(bB, aB, graph2)).first;
Graph::edge_descriptor edB2 = (add_edge(aB, cB, graph2)).first;

graph2[edB1].weight = 1;
graph2[edB2].weight = 2;


bool isIso = boost::isomorphism(graph1, graph2);