Tests at the time were showing the Windows version to operate about twice as fast. If nothing has changed I guess I will remain with it then. I had just been hoping for the code to be more platform dependent.

On 20 February 2014 14:44, Ion Gaztañaga <igaztanaga@gmail.com> wrote:
El 20/02/2014 11:42, Patrick Steele escribió:

can anyone tell me if there is a performance or other difference between
boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object and
boost::interprocess::windows_shared_memory? With the version of boost we
were using back in 2011 ( boost 1.48 ), we found that
windows_shared_memory operated faster than shared_memory_object when
transporting around 10MB of data. Is this still the case?

Nothing has changed AFAIK. shared_memory_object is a memory mapped file whereas windows_shared_memory is backed by the pagefile. I don't know why Windows should make one faster than the other, though.


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