Thank you, Igor

Vina uses 1.41 Boost. Using 1.49 causes an error about v3 filesystem. 
I'll try to use an older compiler.


Понедельник, 10 марта 2014, 16:47 +02:00 от Igor R <>:
> My platform is x86_64.
> I have any experience with Boost and c++ language at all so I'm sorry for
> asking questions like this. The errors like "Threading support unavaliable:
> it has been explicitly disabled with BOOST_DISABLE_THREADS" are not clear
> for me. I mean I have any ideas about where do they come from.
> gcc -v gives me
> "Using built-in specs.
> COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.7/lto-wrapper

As far as I remember, Boost versions older than 1.48 failed to detect
threading support in gcc4.7.
Try either to upgrade your Boost version (I don't know what Boost libs
Vine uses, but most likely you won't encounter major issues), or to
use older gcc version.


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