I don't know why, but it doesn't work :/ the error still remains.
Anyway, thank you for answering. I'll try to switch to another compiler version.

Понедельник, 10 марта 2014, 17:04 +02:00 от Igor R <boost.lists@gmail.com>:
>> As far as I remember, Boost versions older than 1.48 failed to detect
>> threading support in gcc4.7.
>> Try either to upgrade your Boost version (I don't know what Boost libs
>> Vine uses, but most likely you won't encounter major issues), or to
>> use older gcc version.

> Thank you, Igor
> Vina uses 1.41 Boost. Using 1.49 causes an error about v3 filesystem.
> I'll try to use an older compiler.
> Ksenia

I see...
FWIW, it's quite simple to switch 1.49 to older Boost.Filesystem: just
add -DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=2 to the compiler flags in the
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