
I'm trying to write a wrapper over some of boost::interprocess and I want to have a function like this:

template <typename T, typename... Args>
T* Wrapper::createStruct(const std::string& name, Args&&... args)
    return m_shm->construct<T>(name.c_str())(std::forward<Args>(args)...);

This fails to compile as it seems boost::interprocess uses its own varargs scheme when I try to create
the following struct in the SHM through this wrapper function:

struct Custom
   Custom(int a, int b)
   :  m_a(a),

   int a;
   int b;

int main()
   Custom* c = shm->createStruct("Custom", 1, 2);

The error message:
/usr/include/boost/interprocess/detail/named_proxy.hpp:79:7: error: no matching function for call to ‘test_sharedmemory::sharedmemory_custom::test_method()::Custom::Custom()’
    {  new((void*)mem)T(boost::forward<Args>(get<IdxPack>(args_))...); }
/usr/include/boost/interprocess/detail/named_proxy.hpp:79:7: note: candidates are:
/home/james/dev/infinityplus/test/common/shm/sharedmemory/main.cpp:136:7: note: test_sharedmemory::sharedmemory_custom::test_method()::Custom::Custom(int, int)
       Custom(int one, int two)
/home/james/dev/infinityplus/test/common/shm/sharedmemory/main.cpp:136:7: note:   candidate expects 2 arguments, 0 provided

Is there any way I can get this to work? I'd rather my wrapper's interface used std only.

boost 1.55
g++ 4.8.2
