On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 5:08 AM, Bill David <billdavidcn@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I meet a problem with some code with boost and want to ask for some help here.

To the following code:

#include <list>

using namespace std;


#include "boost/function.hpp"

#include "boost/foreach.hpp"

#include "boost/bind.hpp"

using namespace boost;


void InsertItemHelper(list<int>& inContainer, list<int>::iterator& ioPosition, const list<int>::value_type& inItem)


       ioPosition = inContainer.insert(ioPosition, inItem);



void WorkerFunction(const list<int>& inContainer, boost::function<void(int)> const& inAddItemCallback)


       BOOST_FOREACH(auto item, inContainer)






void Print(const list<int>& inContainer)


       BOOST_FOREACH(auto item, inContainer)


              std::cout << item << endl;




int main()


       list<int> sourceContainer;





       list<int> targetContainer;

       list<int>::iterator pos = targetContainer.end();


       boost::function<void(int)> addItemCallbackFxn(boost::bind(&InsertItemHelper, targetContainer, pos, _1));

       WorkerFunction(sourceContainer, addItemCallbackFxn);


       return 0;


When I run it on Windows with VS2012, I always get a “list insert iterator outside range” error with:

inContainer.insert(ioPosition, inItem);

It seems targetContainer I passed to boost::bind is copied so that the following debug error of STL is hit:

if (_Where._Mycont != this)
       _DEBUG_ERROR("list insert iterator outside range");

But I am passing targetContainer as a reference and after the error, I can correctly get data in it.


Does anybody know what’s wrong behind?




boost::bind copies the arguments into a functor that it returns. boost::ref (mutable reference) or boost::cref (const reference) can be used to change this behavior.

addItemCallbackFxn(boost::bind(InsertItemHelper, boost::ref(targetContainer), boost::ref(pos), _1));
