$ mingw32-make
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, /usr/bin/mkdir -p Include, ...) failed.
make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified.
mingw32-make: *** [Include/graminit.h] Error 2
$ ls Include/g*
Include/genobject.h Include/graminit.h Include/grammar.h
MiklósCould you give me some advice, or links to achieve my goal?So my python27.lib is "incompatible". I want to compile it from code but I failed with mingw32.As far as I understand I need python headers and libs.Hi All,I want to embed python in my c++ code using boost.python library.
I'm using gcc4.6.3 and qt 4.8.2 and boost 1.49 on windows 7.Thanks,