On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Marshall Clow <mclow.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
Boost release 1.56.0 beta 1 is now available from SourceForge

See http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.56.0.beta.1/

This release contains 2 new libraries:
* Align: Memory alignment functions, allocators, and adaptors, from Glen Fernandes.
* Type_Index: Runtime/Compile time copyable type info, from Antony Polukhin.

Boost version control has migrated to a system using git submodules. This shouldn't make too much of a difference to users, although the directory structure is now a bit different.

Parts of some libraries have been moved into different modules, and several new modules have been extracted from existing code. All header paths should remain the same.

The new modules are:
* Assert: Customizable assert macros. Maintained by Peter Dimov.
* Core: Core utilities used by other libraries, with minimal dependencies. Maintained by Peter Dimov, Glen Fernandes and Andrey Semashev.
* Lexical_Cast: General literal text conversions, such as an int represented a string, or vice-versa, from Kevlin Henney.
* Throw_Exception: A common infrastructure for throwing exceptions from Boost libraries, from Emil Dotchevski.
* Winapi: Windows API declarations without <windows.h>, for internal Boost use.

For details of what's in the release, see http://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_56_0.html
Note that the links to files on this web page are for the final release - use the SourceForge link above to get the beta files.

Please download the beta, give it a try, and report any problems you encounter.


-- The Boost Release Team

Windows Binaries for 1.56.0 - Beta 1 are now available on sourceforge as well.
