On 6 Aug 2014 at 0:17, Bjorn Reese wrote:Ah yes. The directory monitor isn't ready for production use. By
> On 08/05/2014 03:36 PM, Szymon Gatner wrote:
> > I am going through code of directory monitor ASIO extension by Boris
> You may also be interested in AFIO (F for file.) It has an experimental
> directory monitor living in some branch whose name I do not know.
> https://github.com/BoostGSoC/boost.afio.git
production use I mean:
* Can cope with 1m entry directories easily as the rest of AFIO can.
* Can handle 50,000 entries changing every second in a 1m entry
directory without losing change deltas and without racing on
individual stats on a 2Ghz single core, with approximate linear
scaling with additional cores i.e. four cores can monitor four 1m
entry directories seeing 5% change.
Paul Kirth presented on this at C++ Now 2014. It is a surprisingly
tough engineering problem, and requires a design approaching ideal
for it to work at all.