I regularly compile boost with bzip2 and zlib for use under Visual Studio.
Usually it is not an issue but with the last couple of versions I get a strange error message.
I was hoping someone might tell me what I am doing wrong or if it is nothing to worry about.
I get the error message:  "The system cannot find the path specified."
I've search the boost forums and the web and can't find any traffic about this problem.
the output of one of the compiler statements:
      compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-9.0\debug\address-model-64\architecture-x86\link-static\threading-multi\lockpool.obj
      The system cannot find the path specified.
      msvc.archive bin.v2\libs\atomic\build\msvc-9.0\debug\address-model-64\architecture-x86\link-static\threading-multi\libboost_atomic-vc90-mt-gd-1_56.lib
      The system cannot find the path specified.
      common.copy D:\id\vs2008\x64\lib\boost-1_56\libboost_atomic-vc90-mt-gd-1_56.lib
The error message is printed throughout the output of the build.
My build command within the "Visual Studio 2008 x64 Command Prompt.
 "d:/bld/build/boost_1_56_0/tools/build/src/engine/bin.ntx86_64/b2.exe "
      toolset=msvc-9.0  --build-type=minimal --layout=versioned  architecture=x86 address-model=64  -a install
Any suggestions/thoughts?
As always any help is greatly appreciated.
Danny K
I've attached the entire log that resulted from compiling boost.