Easy Method for Building and Installing Boost Binary Libraries.
step 1: $ cd $BOOST_DIR
step 2: $ ./ --help
step 3: $ ./ --prefix=path/to/installation/prefix
Other docs specify for this step:
$ ./b2 --build-dir=/tmp/build-boost toolset=gcc stage (optional --build-type=complete)
Also says that --stagedir=/path/to/install/special/stage/target/library/binaries
I'm not certain what the stage components are or what the stage part is.
$ ./b2 install “This will leave Boost binaries in the lib/ subdir of the installation prefix.”
The section is on common tasks for boost build, in particular in the section is task on cross compilation.
Boost.Build supports cross compilation with gcc toolset.
When using gcc, you first need to specify your cross compiler in user-config.jam for example:
using gcc : arm : arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++;
After that, if the host and target os are the same, for example linux, you can just repeat this compiler version to be used:
b2 toolset=gcc-arm
Regarding the user-config.jam file. These are the notes I took while reading:
On startup, searches and reads two config files: site-config.jam and user-config.jam. Alternatively, the docs say you can edit the one at the top of the directory. In my case, I believe that would be $BOOST_DIR/tools/build/v2 directory rather than $BOOST_DIR. This directory has five .jam files: boost-build.jam, bootstrap.jam, build-system.jam, Jamroot.jam, site-config.jam and user-config.jam.