Hi ch0Kee,

this is my Addictional Include Directories entry


actually i'm workin' inside the csound~ directory where my project is.

strange errors are the other ones referring to this VS dir

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\

mhhh...any idea?

many thanks for your kind help


On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 4:37 PM, ch0kee <ch0kee@cadline.hu> wrote:


I've got to include boost libraries in the include path of a VisualStudio 2012 project.
Can you send the exact value of the "Additional Include Paths" field from your Compiler page in your Project settings ?
I think you have a typo there (because the compiler mentions csound, I guess its path is also
added there, and a syntax error there can confuse the compiler).

- ch0kee

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