> Thanks christophe, when i do nm on the binary i see big symbol for the dispatch table running into pages, is there any way to hide this?
> ( i was googling for type hiding and found this but not sure how to use this to hide the transition table
> http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_41_0/libs/multi_index/doc/compiler_specifics.html#type_hiding)
The transition table is already built this way.
Frankly, no, I don’t know, it might be a question for the compiler writer. I usually just strip and then sigh how it can be that VC is separating symbols from binary and gcc can’t.
I’m a bit lost, is your problem compile time or binary size?
With 30 states (regions do not cost much), I usually have a fast compile. Is there maybe a minimal case (without company code I mean) you can send me (privately if you prefer) so I can try?
With gcc version are you using? I’ll try to take one close from this one.