
The problem here relates to boost, but I'm aware it may of more general nature rather than boost specific.

I had a weird problem with my project. It has a bunch of dependencies including many of the boost libraries. My platform is: Win7SP1 + VS2008SP1 + boost1.39.0.

I have properly set the VC++ directories for both include and lib files pointing to the boost folder (1.39.0) and of course those for other dependencies. But I got the following message when I built the project:

1>Linking to GSL lib

1>Linking to lib file: CGAL-vc90-mt.lib

1>Linking to lib file: libboost_date_time-vc80-mt-1_34.lib

1>Linking to lib file: libboost_regex-vc80-mt-1_34.lib

I don't know why VS was attempting to link to libs of boost 1.34.0 built with VC80 (I'm using VC 90 - VS2008)

Could anybody please give me some hints about this problem or where the message like "Linking to lib file: ..." came from?


Best regards,
