Ah... I'm really lost here. The reason that I want to use Boost with Java is because I found that:
The original VF2lib (ported from C to Java) is somehow slower than Boost. I checked by trying to find subgraph isomorphism between graph A (10 nodes) and graph B (500 nodes). VF2lib took longer than 5 minutes but Boost was just some milliseconds.
(If someone can verify that I'll be really grateful).

So what option do I have to be able to use Boost? I think I should a file based graph generated by Java and process them with Boost.

On Wed, Apr 15, 2015, 9:30 PM Lorenzo Trivelli <trivelli.lorenzo@konvergence.it> wrote:
At 06:30 13/04/2015, you wrote:
>Hi, I really need to use Java with this library. Is it possible to use JNI on this library or do I need to convert this library to Java? I find the latter task is going to be really difficult so I hope that I can use JNI.
>Thank you for your help.

Hi, AFAIK it is not easy to do that due to C++ name mangling and
the absence of any ABI in C++ itself like C

A possible but limited workaround should be to create a DLL with a C interface
which uses the boost objects you need. Next, you can call it through JNI,
but obviously you can pass only basic data types


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