Using boost, I start a thread from the main process as such.

    MyWorkThread newThread;
    newThread = boost::thread(newThread);

And in the worker thread class (MyWorkThread), I have a read function which reads from a USB device as much data as it can deliver. This function can be called several hundred times a second.

    MyThread::read() }
        while () {
            MyData data;
            if (hasMore(dev, &data))
                // lots of data here
                // need to get it back to the main thread

I'm trying to figure out how to efficiently get this data back to the main process to be placed in a buffer since it can be called so often.

- Would making a callback to the main process be the way to go? If so, any pointers how using boost?
- Or should I just have a global data buffer and store it directly?