I have had a major headache while using MSM eUML state transition tables, thankfully I've found a simple solution.
First MSM and especially eUML are great, and that's why I persevered to find a solution.
Here's the problem:
Declaring a complex eUML state transition table may result in the compiler generating an error.
// row_1,
// row_2,
// ...
// row_a,
// row_b,
// row_c,
// Eventually the Microsoft compiler VS2008,2010,2012,2015 will all explode with fatal C1202: recursive type or function dependency context too complex
), transition_table );
I haven't tried with gcc.
The solution is to break the state table in two smaller parts rather than one big table:
), transition_table_part_1 );
), transition_table_part_2 );
typedef boost::mpl::joint_view< transition_table_part_1, transition_table_part_2 > transition_table; // No error, even though it contains just as many rows
[Waffle warning] I think that what's happening is that once the compiler has fully described the transition_table_part1 it unwinds what it is doing, it is able to unwind and 'bank' transition_table_part1 as just being a type in it's memory, and when it comes to generate transition_table via boost::mpl::join_view it just constructing the resulting type list from two sets of previously 'banked' types. This is I think why I can still nest a sub-state machine which is on the limit of the complexity of state transition table it can contain; even though nesting state machines recursively references state transition tables.
Things that did not work: [ more waffle ] There are some other solutions that I tried before I had the Eureka moment. One was to try to hide a sub-state machine within a concrete class but that didn't work because the outer fsm needs to see the inner stt. Another way was to implement a sub-state machine as a concrete state (not fsm), and then add a process_event method on the class which delegated to a member fsm which was hidden from the outer fsm, I got this to work, but it did not solve the problem, and I had to abandon use of exit_pt_, although it may have brought down compile times.
Another helpful advantage of this solution is that the memory required by the compiler is significantly reduced.
Would you consider adding the example above to the MSM documentation, I would suggest under:
Chapter 4, Compilers / Performance, Compilers Corner
Also under:
Chapter 5, Questions Answers and Tips:
Question: Why do I get "fatal C1202: recursive type or function dependency context too complex"
Answer: Likely because a state transition table has become two complex. Split the state transition table into two parts, and then use typedef mpl::joint_view< transition_table_part_1, transition_table_part_2 > transition_table to join the two parts.
Question: Why does my compiler generate a fatal out of memory fatal error.
Answer: Likely because a state transition table has become two complex. Try and split the most complex state transition table into two parts, and then use typedef mpl::joint_view< transition_table_part_1, transition_table_part_2 > transition_table to join the two parts.
- Mark Bartosik