First a little bit of background.
Recently I've been using boost.python and I noticed choosing a specific function overload is kind of messy when defining class interfaces or free functions. Consider the following functions and member functions:

void fn(int i, float f);
int fn(const std::string& str);

float car::method();
void car::method(int i, double d);

According to boost.python documentation we can add these function using either of following constructs:

void (*fn1)(int, float) = fn;
int (*fn2)(const std::string&) = fn;
def("fn", fn1);
def("fn", fn2);

float (car::*method1)() = &car::method;
void (car::*method2)(int, double) = &car::method;
.def("method", method1)
.def("method", method2)

or to avoid those intermediate variables we can do it directly:

def("fn", (void (*)(int, float))fn);
def("fn", (int (*)(const std::string&))fn);

.def("method", (float(car::*)())&car::method)
.def("method", (void (car::*)(int, double))&car::method)

Which in my opinion is not readable enough. So I wrote a small utility to make it a little bit more readable. For example:

def("fn", overload<void(int, float)>(fn));
def("fn", overload<int(const std::string&)(fn));

.def("method", overload<float()>(&car::method));
.def("method", overload<void(int, double)>(&car::method));

Notice how I gave the desired signature to the overload function and it will choose that exact overload for me. It's not only limited to boost.python and we can use it wherever we need to select a specific overloaded function. For example:

auto f = overload<void(int, float)>(fn);

Of course it's just a syntactic sugar and you might not find it improving anything at all but in my case it helped my code readability somehow.

Now my question. I pasted the whole thing here. As for non-member functions I could implement it relying only on C++11 variadic templates. But for member functions I couldn't find a way to do it without boost.preprocess and using only C++11 variadic template.  Here is the full code tested with GCC 5.3.1 (std=C++11), Clang 3.7.0 (std=C++11) and MSVC2015

#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/arithmetic/inc.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/punctuation/comma_if.hpp>
#include <boost/preprocessor/repetition.hpp>

namespace boost {

namespace detail {

template <typename SignatureType>
struct fn_signature;

template <typename ResultType, typename... ArgType>
struct fn_signature<ResultType(ArgType...)>
  using result_type = ResultType;
  using arg_type = boost::mpl::vector<ArgType...>;
  static const std::size_t arg_count = sizeof...(ArgType);
  using type = ResultType(*)(ArgType...);

template <typename ClassType, typename SignatureType>
struct memfn_signature;

template <typename ClassType, typename ResultType, typename... ArgType>
struct memfn_signature<ClassType, ResultType(ArgType...)>
  using type = ResultType(ClassType::*)(ArgType...);

} // namespace detail

template <typename SignatureType>
typename detail::fn_signature<SignatureType>::type overload(typename detail::fn_signature<SignatureType>::type fn)
  return fn;

#define BOOST_OVERLOAD_PP_METHOD_OVERLOAD_ARGS(Z, N, C) BOOST_PP_COMMA_IF(N) typename std::enable_if<detail::fn_signature<SignatureType>::arg_count == C, typename boost::mpl::at_c<typename detail::fn_signature<SignatureType>::arg_type, N>::type>::type
template <typename SignatureType, typename ClassType> \
typename detail::memfn_signature<ClassType, SignatureType>::type overload(typename detail::fn_signature<SignatureType>::result_type(ClassType::*memfn)(BOOST_PP_REPEAT(N, BOOST_OVERLOAD_PP_METHOD_OVERLOAD_ARGS, N))) \
{ \
  return memfn; \

} // namespace boost

The problem is I cannot find a way to force the overload resolution to pick the specific overload and also automatically deduce the ClassType template parameter at the same time. If the language let me to alias a variadic template parameter then it would be possible to do it. For example I could do this:

template <typename ClassType, typename ResultType, typename... ArgType>
struct memfn_signature<ClassType, ResultType(ArgType...)>
  using type = ResultType(ClassType::*)(ArgType...);
  using result_type = ResultType;
  using arg_type = ArgType...;

template <typename SignatureType, typename ClassType>
typename detail::memfn_signature<ClassType, SignatureType>::type overload(typename detail::memfn_signature<SignatureType>::result_type (ClassType::*memfn)(typename detail::memfn_signature<SignatureType>::arg_type))
  return memfn;

Right now my preprocess implementation works with no problem but It's not a clean implementation. So is there any other way that I can do this. I appreciate your help.