In my view the best MinGW64 distro out there is the one provided by Stephan T. Lavavej, a.k.a. STL, Senior Software Development Engineer at Microsoft, maintaining Visual Studio's C++ Standard Library implementation.

The distribution includes a.o. GCC 6.1.0, Boost 1.61.0 and a great many other libraries and utilities (git a.o.). He also includes his (msys) build scripts, so you can rebuild yourself, while at the same time learning how a pro does it.

Msys needs to be used for the moment, you need bash (forget about the cmd.exe for nix-stuff). The upcoming Windows 10 Anniversary Update (2nd August if I'm not mistaking) will include a bash shell out of the box and other tools that will help you dealing with nix stuff.

STL equally provides clear and unambiguous instructions how to work with MinGW64. Remember he works for Microsoft, so his tools are guaranteed (by an MS-engineer) to work on Windows!!! Follow them to the t and you'll be a happy chappy.

The distro is updated regularly (each boost and gcc version at least).

The distro can be found on STL's web-site:


On 26 July 2016 at 17:45, Alexander Carôt <> wrote:

Hi all,


after having switched from OSX and Linux to Windows 10 I have issues compiling boost (1.61)with the MinGW compiler.


The very first step fails:


bootstrap.bat mingw


results in not finding a right path, denying access and aborting the installation.


So far I only found this article:


but it does not contain further info how (and where) to add additional info (I added c:\MinGW\bin to my PATH but it didn’t help).


Any help appreciated,

thanks in advance







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