El 21/09/2016 a las 13:58, Ram escribió:
Hi Joaquin,

[Please do follow this list's posting guidelines and keep the formatting clear]

Will make sure I am clear about what I am speaking about(by quoting whats required).  

The my compilation output after the change to 
[   int x=0,y=0;

in allocator_utilities.hpp help?

Yes, it shows that the problem seems not to be really connected to Boost.MultiIndex.
My hunch is this is related to the precompiled header effect you talked about some
posts ago, or that there's an evil macro affecting this very simple code.
In any case, please follow these steps so that we can narrow down the problem:

1.  Continuing with your example.cpp file, where you last inserted the
boost::detail::allocator::construct bit, please remove all usage of Boost.MultiIndex
and its headers, and simply add this #include

  #include <boost/detail/allocator_utilities.hpp>

and keep the boost::detail::allocator::construct  portion. Still the same
" syntax error : identifier 'p'" error?
2. If the answer to the above is affirmative, please start removing headers (and the
code that depends on them), *one header at a time*. Continue after you've removed
everything (a) or suddenly the error disappears (b).
3. If (a), then you have a barebone example.cpp file with little more than the the
allocator_utilities.hpp #include and the boost::detail::allocator::construct line. My
bet is then the error has to do with the settings of your project.
4.If (b), examine the last header you removed when the error vanished. Is it
introducing any kind of macro, ::new overload, or something suspicious?

Please answer *inline* to this post with the feedback for each step.

Joaquín M López Muñoz