On Thu, 26 Jan 2017 at 22:41 Adam Zegelin <adam@zegelin.com> wrote:
Next problem :)

asio's use_future returns a std::future. when_all() expects boost::futures.
I can't find an obvious way to convert between the two and/or get
asio's use_future to return a boost::future.

ASIO is set up to solve this -- you can write use_boost_future in the same way that asio::use_future is written, but make it return a boost::future instead.

You should be able to copy and paste the ASIO implementation of use_future, and change the details to use boost::future instead.

A similar example can be found here, which adapts a custom future implementation into Chris' std::executors reference implementation. This is same author as ASIO and so it uses a similar technique. The code may even work as is with just a change of the namespace from std::experimental to boost::asio.


Good Luck!

-- chris