On 3 July 2017 at 18:05, Connie Zhang via Boost-users <boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Is that the only way to turn off debug completely? I though /Od is to turn off the debug mode. Is that correct?

No, /Od disables optimisation (the O stands for Optimisation (or rather Optimization)), use /O2 or /Ox instead. The NDEBUG preprocessor directive turns-off debugging. You will also need to link to the release CRT's, i.e. /MD or /MT. On the "Code Generation" options page, there are a number of things you can turn off (like smaller type check, exceptions, security check), which will affect the execution-speed of the code. You can also use the "Profile Guided Optimization" tools on the "General" tab, which will try and optimize the code paths that are actually taken the most in your app, as opposed to the optimiser guessing.

But, most of all measure (tricky on Windows) and see what works best for your app.

"Ihre sogenannte Religion wirkt bloß wie ein Opiat reizend, betäubend, Schmerzen aus Schwäche stillend." - Novalis 1798