The release candidates for the 1.61.0 release are now available at:The SHA256 checksums are as follows:cd7429340bb4aae38e0ad2e9f59c39e66335302c41577956123e55fc1e2a 28ee boost_1_65_0_beta1_rc1.7z fda076f7b3c994524d9cd41926c72f4a9b7c017bef310a055956fdd0bed7 c358 boost_1_65_0_beta1_rc1.tar. bz2 0d1473041f7a9fa9ce1e256c870cc52af6f98abf723cf4f1ac61c2b45f45 d38a boost_1_65_0_beta1_rc1.tar.gz f45bbb75b84cdc0c66f8a571d77c518cfbac076d7a6fc7937c4812f0f242 a792 As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download
the candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report
both success and failure, and anything else that is noteworthy.