Hi all,
boost::intrusive lists can be easily customized to be compatible with an existing doubly-linked intrusive list implementation, such as the one used in the linux kernel (struct list_head). Indeed, I have been able to declare and use a boost::intrusive::list
of my own with custom traits that uses struct list_head as the underlying representation, enabling me to simply use .end().pointed_node() to get access to the list head and pass it to legacy C code that expects a struct list_head*. However, I can't think of
a way to achieve interoperability in the opposite direction.
For example, I have an existing function (to be precise, a callback that I pass to legacy C code), that accepts a struct list_head* that is expected to contain a list of elements of a certain type. I want some way to "wrap" this raw pointer in a type-safe
intrusive list type that I use as naturally as a boost::intrusive::list (iteration, modification, etc.). I see no way to achieve this.
The way I see it, what I need is a boost::intrusive::list_ptr, a container that doesn't actually own the list head, but rather, points to a list head stored elsewhere. It would have the same interface as a list, allowing me to push_back, clear, etc., but
behaves as a pointer when it comes to moves and copies. Additionally, there should also be a boost::intrusive::const_list_ptr, which will not allow me to modify the list, but still allows iteration and other non-modifying operations.
Unless, of course, there are already existing mechanisms to achieve this. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.