Hello all,
once again I find myself struggling with asio streambufs but wanted to ask here before chicken out to char buffers again.
My problem is that I cannot read more than one protocol loop successfully.
I got a TCP connection here that continuously receives messages on a simple protocol like that:
header_size CRLF
header (contains payload size)
I thought this is a prime use case for reading into a streambuf as I can easily deal with additional data being in there and the client pushing as fast as it can.
Here is what I do (simplified quite a bit, sorry for copy and paste and simplify errors):
(m_socket and m_streambuf are only used by one io_context, one thread, no races as far as I can tell)
void read_header_size() {
asio::async_read_until(m_socket, m_streambuf, "\r\n",
[self](const boost::system::error_code, const std::size_t) {
// < handle error skipped >
std::string hsizestr;
std::istream is(&self->m_streambuf);
std::getline(is, hsizestr);
std::size_t header_size = parse(hsizestr);
void read_header(const std::size_t n_header_size) {
asio::async_read(m_socket, m_streambuf, boost::asio::transfer_exactly(n_header_size),
[self, packet, n_header_size](const boost::system::error_code, const std::size_t) {
// < handle error skipped >
// Tried two versions of parsing the header (manual consume and istreams of various sorts)
// manual consume:
size_t payload_size = parse_header(n_streambuf.data().data(), n_header_size)) {
void read_payload(const std::size_t n_payload_size) {
asio::async_read(m_socket, m_streambuf, boost::asio::transfer_exactly(payload_size),
[self, n_packet, packet_size](const boost::system::error_code, const std::size_t) {
// < handle error skipped >
std::istream is(&self->m_streambuf, std::ios::binary);
is.read(target_buffer, target_buffer_size); // target buffer is elsewhere and well guarded
// read next message
When I run this and make sure the client pushes at least 2 packets I can safely receive and process the first but after that the next asnc_read() in read_header never returns. As in never calls its handler. From debugging and looking at the streambuf I can reasonably assume the buffer contains all the data after the first async_read_until because the packages are very small (only about 60 bytes total).
This leads me to believe the transfer_exactly don't return unless something is actually really transferred. But if such is the case, why does the first loop succeed?
I am quite lost here. If anybody has some suggestion it is much appreciated.
Thanks a bunch!