On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 3:20 PM Maarten Verhage via Boost-users <boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:

boost::variant is obviously part of boost. And the compiler error is
pointing in a variant header. So I'm pretty confident "Boost users" in the
appropriate mailing list for this issue.

Except for the fact that it's not.  I looked at the code, and I suspect you've ended up confusing yourself.

In particular, your typedefs are confusing.  Are you sure you didn't mean this?  It looks like you did based on the rest of the code.

typedef boost::variant< int, double > parameter_t;
typedef std::vector< parameter_t > employee_t;

In other words, a vector (type `employee_t`) where each element is a variant of either `int` or `double`.

If that's what you meant to type, then compiling with clang++ -std=c++14 creates an a.out that prints "306000" as expected.

You know, I sense some resentment against me. Can you clarify please?

I didn't.  In fact, he answered your question by giving you references to documentation based on the error message you presented.  Unfortunately I think that error message was a red herring.

If you opened the attachment you can see I'm already at that level. And
according to the stackoverflow answer for a very much related issue the
solution is some next level stuff.

Fortunately, I suspect that the solution really just involves fixing your types.

Chris Cleeland