Am 05.11.2018 um 07:11 schrieb Dr. Sören Textor via Boost-users:
We have a little problem with the boost serialization. It's seems to have problem with the final keyword (at least in boost v1.55).
Is there any workaround for the example oder got it fixed already in the newest boost version?

class Test final
   Test() {}
   Testtime_t t1) : m_t(t1) {}
   friend class boost::serialization::access;
   template<class Archive>
   void serializeArchive & arconst unsigned int version ) {
      ar & m_t;
   time_t m_t = 12;

int mainint argc , char** argv ){
   Test t1(45);
   std::stringstream ofs;
   boost::archive::binary_oarchive oaofs );
   oa & t1;

--> compile error:
is_polymorphic.hpp(46) : error C3246: 'boost::detail::is_polymorphic_imp1<T>::d2' : cannot inherit from 'Test' as it has been declared as 'final'

- the original class is a non polymorphic POD class that is declared a final. Like in th eexample!

Best regards

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