I intend to use the boost intrusive list to implement an observer pattern.
  • The list will cross interrupt boundaries; meaning one interrupt will produce the notifications and the other interrupt will observer the notifications.
  • The observer, in response to a notification, might detach itself from the list using the the hook's unlink() function.
  • I think that I will need the hook to be declared volatile in order to accommodate this.
I have a minimal code sample here: https://github.com/natersoz/patterns/blob/master/observer/intrusive_list_member/test_observer_minimal.cc

My list hook member declaration:
    using list_hook_type = boost::intrusive::list_member_hook<

    list_hook_type hook;
My list declaration:
    using list_type =
            typename Observer<NotificationType>::list_hook_type,
If I a the volatile keyword to the list hood type, I cannot figure out how to get the list_type declaration to fit into the list template list.

Is it possible?

Thank you.

Nat Ersoz
425-417-5182 (cell)