On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 10:26 AM Damian Jarek <damian.jarek93@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Sorin,
This is a known issue in ASIO - `asio::use_future` has an associated executor (which is used to redirect exceptions), but the problem is that the implementation doesn't use the `associated_executor` type trait to wrap an executor associated with the I/O object that is used. Instead, it uses the intrusive executor hook, which "overrides" the executor associated with the I/O object. Note that if `bind_executor` were to work with it, it would cause the exception redirection to break.

Hi Damian,

Do you know if there is any issue / ticket raised for this so I can track it over time? I didn't find anything related to use_future neither in the GitHub issues nor the old Trac.
Based on your description of the problem and some cursory debugging in use_future, I would expect this to be an implementation issue that could be addressed at some point.
As a sidenote: asio::io_context::strand is deprecated and should not be used in projects that use ASIO 1.66+. You should use `asio::strand<io_context::executor_type>` instead.

I changed this plus added an executor parameter to the composed operation here:

And indeed, it didn't do any help when combining use_future + strand.
At least it showcases two ways of passing the strand when using the completion callback and the composed operation has an explicit executor parameter.
