On Tue, Jan 8, 2019, 18:20 Paul A. Bristow via Boost-users <boost-users@lists.boost.org wrote:
I have posted the result of my efforts on


and I am as promised I am starting this new thread on warning for your comments, corrections, condemnations etc.

Please add a "quick guide for the impatient" that describes the policies shortly, without any motivations.

Also please add a notes on the boost build feature <warnings-as-errors>on (you can find its description somewhere  here https://boostorg.github.io/build/tutorial.html )

While describing the UBSAN beware of its issues: blacklists are a little bit broken https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40132 and errors will be silently ignored without -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined