I want to make it available to the whole Internet.  Not just my network.  I'm considering a reverse proxy so that my app itself can stay behind a firewall while the reverse proxy talks to the Internet.  

What's INADDR_ANY?  What happens if I bind to it?

From: Boost-users <boost-users-bounces@lists.boost.org> on behalf of Leon Mlakar via Boost-users <boost-users@lists.boost.org>
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2019 6:47 PM
To: boost-users@lists.boost.org
Cc: Leon Mlakar
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Server application won't bind to ports on IP address other than my internal ones
On 14.01.2019 14:30, Osman Zakir via Boost-users wrote:
What if I set up a reverse proxy, then? 

To use external IP address inside your network? Nope. Reverse (HTTP/HTTPS) proxy operates at the application layer (http://bpastudio.csudh.edu/fac/lpress/471/hout/netech/layers.htm)

IP addresses and routing of IP traffic are the network layer questions.

I think it's doable but requires quite sophisticated hacks.

And even then it really would be just for fun as it has no practical value.

But seriously, why not simply bind your server socket to INADDR_ANY? Why are throwing an external IP address into the mix/mess?



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