Sivaram L Via Boost-users wrote:
I am working on a embedded systems project, where we are exploring
options to use STL containers without dynamic memory allocation,
except std::array we cannot use any of the STL, boost container has
static_vector for that, on browsing the code,we found that the library
has to be built, is there a way to use this library as header only
Boost.Container's static_vector as well as STL containers are header-only.


There is no need to compile Boost.Container, since it's a header-only library, just include your Boost header directory in your compiler include path except if you use:
- Extended Allocators
- Some Polymorphic Memory Resources classes.

If you need some alternative, you can find similar container in Boost.Geometry: boost::geometry::index::detail::varray
but it depends on Boost.Container so you'd need this library anyway.
