I posted this issue originally on the boost list, largely to inform that I have been able to compile boost_1_71_0_b1_rc1 using VS 2019.
See that post here:

I moved this post here because I think my subsequent problem has to do with setting up Visual Studio 2019.

I have followed the Getting Started in Windows tutorial and was able to build the  simple program, aka the header only project, in VS.  It compiled and ran fine. I then built the project that links your program to the Boost Library described in the tutorial.  I received the following message when I compiled as x64.

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_regex-vc142-mt-gd-x64-1_71.lib'

As you can see in my original email post referred to above, I built another simple program based upon a youtube video and on VS2017 and while it compiled in the youtube video, I received a the same linker error, LNK1104 message as well.

Since the file referred toin the LNK1104 error  has the prefix lib, it appears that VS is looking for a static library.  I built boost as shared from the Develop command line using the command.

.\bj2 link=shared .  

This method apparently worked in VS2017 but I can not replicate it in VS2019.

What am I missing?