Hi there,
Is there any boost functionality to "split" a linestring with an intersecting point?
I was expecting that boost::geometry::intersection could return a multi-linestring (of size two) or a vector of linestrings (size two).
For example, please see a very simple case below which doesn't compile:
point_2d pt(0.5, 0);
linestring_2d ls({ point_2d(0, 0), point_2d(1, 0), point_2d(3, 0), point_2d(5, 0) });
std::vector<linestring_2d> inter;
bg::intersection(pt, ls, inter);
Is there any way to get inter vector with two linestrings (linestring_2d({point_2d(0, 0),
point_2d(0.5, 0)
}) and
linestring_2d({point_2d(0.5, 0),
point_2d(1, 0), point_2d(3, 0), point_2d(5, 0)
) or any multi geometry container that will hold the spatial information of two lines connected in this point? Or should I create these two lines myself by working out which points of the linestring are left and right of the intersecting point?
Many thanks in advance.