Hi Robert,

I have gone through the documentation. Below is the list of things I did for serialization and deserialization.
  1. Define serialize function in the class whose instances I wish to serialize. In my example it is ObjectNew which has pointers of type Bar_A and Foo_A. Both are base classes and the pointers of these pointers point to instances of theri derived classes. So I have serialize function defined for Bar_A, Foo_A and all their derived classes (which includes Foo_C, Foo_D, Bar_B, Bar_C).
  2. Call to boost::serialization::base_object in the serialize function of derived classes which in turn calls serialize function of the corresponding base classes.
  3. For classes with non-defualt constructor, I have over-ridden save_construct_data and load_construct_data functions.
  4. Registering derived classes whose instances are pointed by pointers with types of their base classes using BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT.
  5. And finally use boost::archive::text_oarchive and boost::archive::text_iarchive for serialization and deserialization.
Please let me know if I have missed something or I am doing something wrong.

Pritam Gharat

On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 5:13 PM Robert Ramey via Boost-users <boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Have you read the documentation?

Robert Ramey

On 10/31/19 2:47 AM, Pritam Gharat via Boost-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Boost to serialize pointers of a base class which points to
> instances  of a derived template class. I am using boost 1.7.0 and
> running it on Ubuntu 16.04.
> The source code of the example is available at
> https://github.com/PritamMG/Boost-Serialization-Example
> My example has a base class Bar_A (definition available in
> include/Abstract.hpp) which has a virtual function toStr(). It has two
> derived classes Bar_B and Bar_C. Bar_B is a template class.
> I have registered the derived classes in sc/Test.cpp. Class ObjectNew
> (include/Object.hpp) has a member pointer of type Bar_A which points to
> instances of classes Bar_B and Bar_C.
> I get an error as "unregistered class".  I am not sure for which class
> do I get this error message.
> There is also an issue of non-default. If Bar_B does not have a default
> constructor, save_construct_data and load_construct_data are over-ridden
> and there I run into an error "too many template-parameter-lists".
> How do I define these functions?
> Thanks,
> Pritam
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