Hi. I'm writing a small interaction between:1) a Boost.Beast-based HTTP server (based on http_server_async.cpp example)2) a Boost.Beast-based HTTP client (based on http_client_sync.cpp example)When I log the time it takes to resolve the server address and connect to it, then issue my HTTP request, it takes over 1 second (Win10, VS2019, C++17, Release, localhost for both client and server):2020-11-25T09:46:37.473936 Prologue in 0.001s 2020-11-25T09:46:37.482470 Resolved in 0.008s 2020-11-25T09:46:38.506180 Connected in 1.023s 2020-11-25T09:46:38.509607 OK: Authenticated; in 0.003sWhile the same on Linux (RH7.5) is just over 2ms:2020-11-25T09:45:45.515926 Prologue in 0.000s 2020-11-25T09:45:45.517083 Resolved in 0.001s 2020-11-25T09:45:45.517550 Connected in 0.000s 2020-11-25T09:45:45.518010 OK: Authenticated; in 0.000sThat's a huge difference! Almost 500x...And when I contact the same HTTP server on Windows, but from Chrome this time,it takes about 300ms, and if I hit reload rapidly, the time jumps around to as low as 3ms,and as high as 300ms (the same initial delay), with ~50ms and ~100ms in between.(I also see several different connections being established, for some reason...)
I've seen similar differences between Windows and Linux connection times,but with WebSocketPP-based client and server this time, also based on Boost.ASIO.Q1: Am I doing anything wrong? I.e. is this "normal" somehow?
Q2: How come Chrome, on Windows too, is 3x faster than ASIO-based clients, with the same Beast-based server?
Given the high connect time on Windows, I thought I'd try to keep the connection open on the client, and issue several send-request/read-response pairs, using the Beast-based (sync) HTTP client, but only the first one works correctly, the 2nd errors out with:Error: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machineI suspect it is a user-error, with the server closing the connection, despite the Keep-Alive HTTP header being present server-side on the request.
Q3: Given the Beast HTTP examples I'm based off, would anyone have suggestions on what changes are necessary to allow the client issuing several (non-overlapping) requests to the server, on the same connection? (since connecting is so expensive).
Q4: And for better performance, what about overlapping request/response pairs, with HTTP pipelining. How to set that up on the client and server with Beast?
Thanks for any help on this. --DD
_______________________________________________PS: Great examples in Boost.Beast BTW. Thanks Vinnie.
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