Hello,It's my first mail on this maillist.
I started to upgrade a package for python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 (linux and windows): vpython-wx. One file gives me some problems num_util.hpp
My context:
ubuntu 20.04: boost 1.71 python3.7
windows 10: boost 1.75 python3.7, 3.8, 3.9
I want to create a double_array class:
Original version
namespace cvisual { namespace python {
using boost::python::numeric::array;
class double_array : public array {
explicit double_array( const boost::python::handle<>& h ) : array(h) {}
array makeNum(npy_intp n, NPY_TYPES t =NPY_DOUBLE);
New version
namespace cvisual { namespace python {
using boost::python::numpy::ndarray;
class double_array : public ndarray {
explicit double_array( const boost::python::handle<>& h ) : ndarray(h) {}
ndarray makeNum(npy_intp n, NPY_TYPES t =NPY_DOUBLE);
error message with VC2019 community
error conversion 'const boost::python::handle<PyObject>' in 'boost::python::detail::borrowed_reference'
error message with gcc 9.3
no matching function for call to ‘boost::python::numpy::ndarray::ndarray(const boost::python::handle<>&)’
Thanks a lot for your help.
Philippe DALET
Laboratoire de Physique
Lyp Champollion, Figeac