Hello Boost users,


I experienced a segmentation fault inside Boost in the following scenario:

o There was an illegal DNS entry

o When resolving that illegal DNS entry on a Yocto-based embedded Linux distribution, ::getaddrinfo() returned with the error code EAI_SYSTEM but errno was set to 0

o The function translate_addrinfo_error(int) in boost/asio/detail/impl/socket_ops.ipp translates this into boost::system::error_code(0, boost::asio::error::get_system_category())

o This is then interpreted as a success by the calling function and the other output parameters of ::getaddrinfo() are accessed which resulted in the segmentation fault


My question would be whether this should be considered a bug in the Boost ASIO library?

One could argue that the system should not return EAI_SYSTEM with errno not being set properly.

But one could also argue that returning EAI_SYSTEM indicates that something went wrong and that the output parameters are not to be accessed.





Nils Frielinghaus