> Do you get the same result if you put the include path on the command line, like this?

> "b2 address-model=64 include=D:\icu\include"


Thanks Erik. With this information I was able to get closer. My b2 command line now is:


b2 address-model=64 include="D:\icu\include" library-path="D:\icu\lib64" -sICU_PATH="D:\icu" cxxstd=20


and the has_icu build is failing because it can’t find icuind.lib. I believe that’s a debug version of the icuin.lib and it looks like the binary distribution of the ICU library doesn’t include any debug builds.


If I add the “variant=release” option to my b2 command line, it finds icu:


    - icu                      : yes [2]

    - iconv (libc)             : no [2]

    - iconv (separate)         : no [2]


So I guess I have to take a step back and build ICU first. I remember that being tricky and was hoping to avoid it.

