On Thu, Jan 16, 2025 at 12:09 PM Дмитрий Архипов via Boost-users <boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
чт, 16 янв. 2025 г. в 18:10, Nicholas Williams via Boost-users

> error: No best alternative for {dir}/libs/mpi/build/boost_mpi with <abi>aapcs <address-model>64 <architecture>arm <asynch-exceptions>off <binary-format>mach-o <boost.beast.allow-deprecated>on <boost.beast.separate-compilation>on <boost.cobalt.executor>any_io_executor <boost.cobalt.pmr>std <context-impl>fcontext <coverage>off <cxxstd-dialect>iso <cxxstd>20 <debug-symbols>off <exception-handling>on <extern-c-nothrow>off <inlining>full <instruction-set>nocona <known-warnings>hide <link>shared <optimization>speed <os>MACOSX <pch>on <preserve-test-targets>on <profiling>off <python-debugging>off <python>3.9 <rtti>on <runtime-debugging>off <runtime-link>shared <stdlib>native <strip>off <target-os>darwin <testing.execute>on <threadapi>pthread <threading>multi <toolset-clang:platform>darwin <toolset-clang:version>14 <toolset>clang <variant>release <vectorize>off <visibility>hidden <warnings-as-errors>off <warnings>on <x-deduced-platform>arm_64
> matched: (empty)
> matched: (empty)

This essentially says "there are several recipes for target boost_mpi,
and I cannot decide which is the best". The interesting thing is that
there's actually only one alternative for that target, as far as I can
see in the build script for Boost.MPI. Well, there's another one, but
it is only defined if MPI is not configured.

> I used scare quotes around "errors,"

The error should result in boost_mpi not being built. If you don't
actually need it, add --without-mpi to your b2 invocation command.

Ah, yes, indeed, it is not being built (there is no library file output, even though the b2 output initially says "- mpi : building."

We do need to build it, as far as I know.

> Any insights or guidance would be appreciated.

Can you provide the full command, the full b2 output and the contents
of your project-config.jam (and any other b2 config files, if there
are any)? The latter two are probably better put into gists.
This is from just one platform (as stated in my original post, all platforms have the exact same error):


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