Hi Tomislav,
Thanks a lot for contributing this.
Code-wise it looks good, except the way in which you output into the stream is a bit suboptimal, a lot of strings could be joined together - e.g. things like
"\nPOLYGONS" << " " << 1 << " "
should rather be written
There's no point incurring any overhead here.
Conceptually speaking, including the polyhedron version is going to be difficult at this point, as Boost.Geometry has no polyhedron concept yet. You are basically inventing your own concept in the code, adapted to what this specific algorithm expect, which is not the idea of concepts. I don't know yet which form the polyhedron concept will take but I expect there will actually be several of them, following the Boost.Graph concepts :
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/graph/doc/graph_concepts.htmlWe can also take some inspiration from CGAL here. Basically they have adapted their polyhedron class to the Boost.Graph concepts, and they have also added one additional concept that was not in Boost.Graph (HalfedgeGraph).