Note that it is the Concept which repeat points. The implementation might be different. I mean: the Concept has methods as NumPatch, Patch(index), or probably an iterator returning polygons. However, this can be stored internally as the implementator thinks it is good.
Besides this, I don't understand - if you want to use multipolygons to store the polyhedron, I always assumed that you wanted to repeat coordinates...
It is a bit as a collection of polygons, some files (shapefiles) store all coordinates per polygon, others (ESRI coverages) use topology, however, retrieving one polygon always returns just that polygon, regardless how it is stored.
To ensure logical point uniqueness (not involving tolerances to drop duplicates), the topology of the surface mesh must be described either as a graph, or using indirect addressing like Adam described in his previous email/ However, I am 100% certain that ensuring point uniqueness with indirect addressing will cause the algorithm complexity to literally explode.
I don't exactly understand why the complexity explodes by just using indirect addressing. It is IMO just a way to access the coordinates. If the Concept gives certain methods, the implementations (using either direct or indirect addresses and either unique or duplicated points) might vary. The algorithms should use the Concept to support different types of polyhedrons.
I've tried using indrect addressing and subsequently ensuring point uniqueness, and that is the reason why I want to switch to a multipolygon representation and loose the connection between polygons of the surface mesh, for intersecting smaller non-planar polyhedra. In the end my goal is to efficiently intersect and compute volume of the result between a halfspace and a small polyhedron, two tetrahedral decompositions and two polyhedrons. Maybe this is too specific for the geometry library.. I don't know.. this is just my experience..
I don't think it is too specific, but we need a generic concept able to store polyhedrons described either as triangles, or as polygons.
Regards, Barend
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