2013/6/17 Adam Wulkiewicz <adam.wulkiewicz@gmail.com>
Adam Wulkiewicz wrote:

Unfortunately it doesn't compile, but I'll add those operations today
(for cartesian cs).

Ok, please check if it works for you. You should be able to do e.g. something like this:

bgi::rtree<MyCircle, ..., MyIndexable> rt;


bgi::rtree<std::pair<MyPoint, size_t>, ...> rt; // center and index

and then either adapt your circle to the NSphere concept or use model::nsphere:

typedef bg::model::point<T, 2, bg::cs::cartesian> point;
typedef nsphere<point, T> nsphere;

nsphere s(point(x, y), some_query_radius + circles_radius);

rt.query(bgi::intersects(s), std::back_inserter(...));

I guess I could use:

    bgi::rtree<nsphere, ...> rt;
    rt.query(bgi::intersects(point(...)), std::back_inserter(...));

I'll try that if I get the github update.
BTW, didn't we miss a 'contains' predicate (within in reverse order)?
