Hello all,

I am new to Boost library and I am trying to register our geometry types with boost. I am having trouble with LineString. Here is my sample that I could reproduce the problem. Could someone please let me know what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance.



#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp> // for 'operator+=()'

#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>

#include <boost/range.hpp>

#include <boost/geometry.hpp>

template<class T>

class QPoint



        T x;

        T y;

        QPoint(T x, T y) : x(x), y(y) {}



template<class T>

class QLineString



        bool cw;

        std::vector<QPoint<T>> points;


namespace boost


    namespace geometry


        namespace traits


            // Adapt QPoint to Boost.Geometry


            template<class T> struct tag<QPoint<T>>

            { typedef point_tag type; };


            template<class T> struct coordinate_type<QPoint<T>>

            { typedef T type; };


            template<class T> struct coordinate_system<QPoint<T>>

            { typedef cs::cartesian type; };


            template<class T> struct dimension<QPoint<T>> : boost::mpl::int_<2> {};


            template<class T>

            struct access<QPoint<T>, 0>


                static T get(QPoint<T> const& p)


                    return p.x;



                static void set(QPoint<T>& p, T const& value)


                    p.x = value;




            template<class T>

            struct access<QPoint<T>, 1>


                static T get(QPoint<T> const& p)


                    return p.y;



                static void set(QPoint<T>& p, T const& value)


                    p.y = value;





} // namespace boost::geometry::traits


namespace boost


    namespace geometry


        namespace traits


            template<class T>

            struct tag<QLineString<T>>


                typedef linestring_tag type;




} // namespace boost::geometry::traits



namespace boost


    template <class T>

    struct range_iterator<QLineString<T>>

    { typedef std::vector<QPoint<T>>::iterator type; };


    template<class T>

    struct range_const_iterator<QLineString<T>>

    { typedef std::vector<QPoint<T>>::const_iterator type; };



template<class T>

inline std::vector<QPoint<T>>::iterator range_begin(QLineString<T>& qls)


    return qls.points.begin();



template<class T>

inline std::vector<QPoint<T>>::iterator range_end(QLineString<T>& qls)


    return qls.points.end();



template<class T>

inline std::vector<QPoint<T>>::const_iterator range_begin(const QLineString<T>& qls)


    return qls.points.begin();



template<class T>

inline std::vector<QPoint<T>>::const_iterator range_end(const QLineString<T>& qls)


    return qls.points.end();


int main()


    QPoint<int> p(2,3);

    QPoint<int> p1(5,3);

    QPoint<int> p2(8,3);

    QPoint<int> p3(12,3);


    QLineString<int> ln;






    double length = boost::geometry::length(ln);



