
On 26-9-2013 23:45, Adam Wulkiewicz wrote:

2. those are potentially ok:
    a) t+uu, m+uu (see: '2 within t,uu.svg', '2 not within t,uu.svg', '2 within m,uu.svg')
    b) t+cc, m+cc (see: '2 [not] within (t|m),cc.svg')
    So I think that for those I also need to check if points of touching segments are inside. But is it sufficient? Probably yes assuming the 'no crossing' policy (point 4) is used.

- uu is normally discarded. But it gives sometimes extra (necessary) information and therefore it is still generated. In 2-not-within it gives this information: there is one intersection point, uu, nothing more -> we know that one is not inside of the other, so we can return false

I must disagree here, see e.g. attached traverse_intersection_52. The containing polygon may touch itself and the contained polygon may be touching the first one in the same point but still be within it.

That is right but I wrote (at least I meant, let met add "only"): if there is only one intersection point, uu, nothing more... If there is anything more than uu, we can discard it, its information is useless.

This is a "spike" and officially invalid. Therefore behaviour is undefined. However as said before we might reconsider spikes for Boost.Geometry.

AFAIU the difference between Within() and CoveredBy() is that the second one for spikes should refurn TRUE. Or am I wrong? According to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DE-9IM only boundries my overlap for CoveredBy(). If what I'm saying is true we should probably support them, right?

Spikes are not in the official spec, as far as I know.

Block operations can be generated in different situations, the basic idea is that they are NOT followed. So ix may ( should) be followed for intersection but not for union. And ux should only be followed for a union but not for an intersection. xx is never followed. These are examples of turns where xx is generated:

(they come from overlay.ppt  which is another useful ppt for these things).

What I mean is actually, that turn-info is based on two pairs of segments - it is not only related to spikes or polygons with area zero, though there might be a relation (but I have the feeling they might also only cross each other...)

So those are two ux and two ix.

Yes. No within for ux, only touch. For ix only within, no touch. Within is more complex than touch, because it is not symmetrical. So you have to analyse more of which operation is caused by which source, indeed. For touch that was not necessary. Therefore touch is simpler.

Also if both blue segments on 2 left pictures were on the left side of the green segment the turn would be uu.


The opposite situation on the right would produce ii.


And if the blue curve went on the other side the turn would be ui. Is this correct?

Yes. You got it ;-)

What do you think? Have I missed something?

It is a complex thing... We might miss something but this is already great work, success.

What I'm a bit worried about is that it seems complexer than the implementation for touches. Did we miss something there? We might test this more thoroughly.

Yes and it's even more complex because I have a feeling that I should check relations between P1 exterior with P2 exterior, P1 exterior with P2 interior and P1 interiors with P2 interiors (see my second email). And for those cases different turns must be analyzed.

Not really - see my last answer about this, which apparently crossed your post.

Regards, Barend