Hi Adam,
Adam Wulkiewicz wrote On 27-11-2014 1:40:
OK, good, then can we now discuss the spheroid properties of the
I don't write about geodesic there. What is calculated is a plane
through the center of the Earth, and the two points involved. What
is determined is if it is left or right from the plane. That is
exact, also for a spheroid.
So what is written there is basically true, but... indeed the plane
going through the center of the Earth does not encompass the
geodesic. So if we want to have it comparable with the geodesic
shortest distance calculations, it cannot be used together.
What is defined there is the "great elliptic arc" or "great ellipse"
(comparable to great circle, but on a spheroid) and "The great
ellipse is not the shortest path between two points on the Earth’s
OK. Vincenty is precise but very slow (maybe you have to compare
performance too). At least distance calculations and comparisons I
did in the past, comparing with Andoyer, Vincenty was much slower.
If we are going to use side-information on ellipsoids we have to
have a reasonably fast algorithm, the side calculations are used
very very often. The SSF is already slower of course than the
cartesian calculation.
If the difference is very small, and the results of SSF-only are
mutually consistent, and we don't use it together with distances (I
don't think we do - but we use fractions which have to be
comparable) it is not impossible that we can still use it (needs
more research). It is just a different method to calculate the side,
and if we can use that for turn-calculations and point-in-polygon
calculations, it might give the correct results. Other libraries or
packages first project to a Cartesian coordinate system, do the
operation and convert back - you will also loose some information
there too.
I don't state that it is possible, we just can research the
Furthermore the formulas given (on that blog) and probably also what
is implemented for SSF are about spheres. For the ellipsoid x,y,z
have to be calculated differently, taking axis lengths into account.
That might (most probably will) result in different results. It has
to be implemented. That is the phase where we are.
No... or basically it is probably already clear now. The methods are
Regards, Barend