Hi Nikos,

Νικόλαος Αθανασίου wrote:
hello to everyone, 

I've been a user of boost geometry since its first release. I'm now completing my postgratuate studies on computer science and my master thesis will be on spatial indexing (mostly R-Trees on GPUs).  I plan to work on implementations as well. Could I be of any help? 
I initiallly reached Adam Wulkiewicz via my SO account Nikos Athanasiou. To introduce myself I'll place here my linkedin account http://gr.linkedin.com/pub/nikolaos-athanasiou/70/533/11b and my blog https://ngathanasiou.wordpress.com/

Thanks for contacting us here! Any help is appreciated, there is a lot things that can be done. Do you have some ideas, plans, what would you like to do? Do you prefer working on the R-tree or other parts of the library? If the R-tree is your preference, would you like to propose some addition related to your master thesis or implement some other things like serialization, (persistent) storage, additional balancing or packing algorithm, etc. ? Or would you prefer helping us with improving the "main" part of the library e.g. by adding the missing support for non-carteian coordinate systems or improving the support for 3D cartesian, etc. ? Or would you like to start from learning about the internals e.g. by fixing some bugs?
