Oh ok. Apologies for the mis-posting. However, I did get to this list by searching forĀ Andrii Sydorchuk (the author of the Voronoi code):


There seem to be other Voronoi posts there. Do you still think I should re-post to boost developers/users?



On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 11:46 AM, Adam Wulkiewicz <adam.wulkiewicz@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Darren,

Darren Pearce-lazard wrote:
Unless I am mistaken, I found a couple of errors in the basic tutorial (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/libs/polygon/doc/voronoi_basic_tutorial.htm).

Boost.Polygon and Boost.Geometry are two different libraries. This is a mailing list of the latter which means that you probably won't reach the authors/maintainers of the former, of course unless they are subscribers of this list too. You shoud rather ask questions about Boost.Polygon at Boost developers or Boost users mailing list.

Geometry mailing list